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Par nom : Par genre :

Hellsign [Death Metal]

Origine : SPAIN (08)
Année de création : 2003
Statut : Actif

Groupe ajouté le 02/01/2007 18:01:00 par darquos
Dernière MAJ le 28/10/2009 10:10:10 par Alexandre

Line up actuel :

Informations non encore renseignées.

Biographie :


In September 2003 Josez (guitars), Juan (guitars) and Jaime (drums) decided to form Hellsign. At first the idea was playing Thrash Death. David (vocals) joined the band, then. After a few rehearsals and counting with the first compositions in which hate, rage and bad experiences were mixed, the band decided to play modern Death Metal. While looking for a bass player some musicians got involved with the band. Alex, one of them, was part of the band for 5 months. He had to leave because of a lack of time. In September 2004, due to different circumstances, Hellsign looked for another guy to do vocals without David. After some months and several tries, Javi (vocals) and Pedro (bass) began doing with the band. Later Pedro left the band. In October 2005 Pol (bass) joins the band (he completes the nowadays line up) and it's purpose of moving metal all around the world.
We are now preparing the recording of our first demo which will be finished at the beginning of 2006.
Thanks a lot and greetings to all brothers of metal!!

Discographie :

  • 2008 From Madness To Suicide commentaires (0)

  • Artwork by Maniak - PHP by Darquos - Logos Design by Blackshark - Hébergement :