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Par nom : Par genre :

Karlahan [Epic Viking Metal]
Origine : Spain (08)
Année de création : 2006
Statut : Actif

Groupe ajouté le 12/09/2007 13:09:00 par Alexandre
Dernière MAJ le 22/02/2009 16:02:42 par Alexandre

Line up actuel :

Informations non encore renseignées.

Biographie :

Karlahan was founded in early 2006 by guitarist and clean
singer Guillem, with the aim to create a Viking Metal band together with his friend Toni, the current singer of the band. Later, he asked for help to his other friend Victor (current drummer) so he could help them with the recordings, but it wasn't until some time that he joined the band.

A bassist was still needed, so they called the ex-bassist of his old band: Sergi. From that point, they all started to practice some of their first songs until current lead guitarist Jordi contacted them through an advert he saw on the internet asking for guitarist and keyboard player. At first he thought about just joining himslef as guitarist, but later contacted with ex-drummer of his old band called Ivó who used to play keyboards and asked if he was willing to take again the keyboards and join him in Karlahan. In the
end he agreed and the formation was closed.

From that all was a matter of practicing the songs, and in just a few months they decided to start to record their first demo at Jordi´s house with his own computer. For technical and practical reasons they also started working
with Ivó's computer so they could work faster using 2 computers at the same time and taking advantage of the better hardware Ivó owned. At the moment almost all the songs and parts are recorded but there's still a lot of work on mixing all the stuff and then mastering it.

At first, it was Jordi who started mixing the songs, but later Ivó gained also experience and helped him in the task. The hard task of mastering the songs was carried out by Scott McLean, founder and keyboard player of the Scottish band "Concept of Time". Jordi contacted him through internet and soon asked him that favour after listening to the great work he had done with his own band's demo.

The expected date to release first Karlahan's EP isn´t sure yet, but it is believed that should be in early 2008 or even late 2007.

Discographie :
Pas encore d'album de enregistré dans notre base de donnée.

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